Designing for Impact: The Power of Women-Owned Businesses

Web design is only just the beginning…

…because behind every website is an owner with a vision for her business and the future. I get pumped just thinking about equipping women entrepreneurs for success through helping them launch their businesses into the online world.


Because when women unleash what they are capable of, impact begins and lives are changed!

Web design is not just about the final product that showcases what a business or service has to offer. It’s about giving women a tool to grow their businesses and subsequently begin making the impact they are capable of.

By helping women launch their websites, I want to see them step more into what they are capable of and thereby bring in such an abundance through their business that they can create an impact for their families, themselves, and others!

What kind of impact? Here are a few ways that make me giddy when I think about what you are capable of…

No.1| Identity = Unleashed Entrepreneur.

God has done big things through women historically.

And He’s still moving through women today.

When you rise up and run with your entrepreneurial visions, you begin to step more into who God has made you to be: a woman who has authority, who stewards what she has, and who grows what she owns. You become an unleashed entrepreneur.

Taking a quick peek at Proverbs 31:13-27 (I encourage you to take a deeper dive when you can), we see many ways in which a woman with wisdom has authority.

  • We see that the woman portrayed in these verses manages her earnings, oversees the affairs of her household, and plans for those over whom she has responsibility.

  • She is a good steward of what belongs to her by setting about her work, providing for her family, and caring for her community.

  • And, she proactively sets out to grow what she owns through using her earnings to purchase a vineyard and by creating garments to be sold to bring in more income.

You are uniquely equipped by God to make a big impact in your family, for His Kingdom, and in your own life.

You do this when you are faithful with what you have, manage it well, and seek to expand your territory.

No.2 | Women Entrepreneurs Create Financial Impact.

As a female entrepreneur, you are well positioned to use your skills to make a financial impact.

Unleashing your abilities as a businesswomen can make a generational impact on your family. The woman in Proverbs 31 “has no fear for her household,” because she has stewarded what she earned well. She used her skills to create, sell, and earn. She used her earnings to care for her family and others she managed.

It also puts you in the position to impact the lives of those outside of your family. The woman who creates, sells, and earns “reaches out to embrace the poor and opens her arms to the needy.” (Proverbs 31:20) Perhaps there is an organization whose cause you are passionate about. Or you desire to form your own organization to fund what matters to you. What you bring in as a result of your entrepreneurship can be used to impact the lives of those who need it.

We all have dreams for our families and see areas of the world that pull at our heartstrings. When you’ve claimed the identity of an unleashed entrepreneur, you can begin to create financial bandwidth to accomplish your visions for your family and elsewhere.

No.3 | Women in Business Make an Impact in Community.

You have much to offer and contribute to the greater good of others.

The creativity that lies within you is just waiting to be unleashed, and when it does it will become a blessing to someone who needs it. You have a service or product that will meet a need. Perhaps you’re a life coach with the encouragement and accountability that will take clients to the next level; a physical therapist who can help an injured athlete get back to doing what they love; an artist whose work will inspire and beautify the lives of others. Unleashing your own creativity into the world can make an impact in ways seen and unseen.

When you run your own business, you are putting into action the principles of a woman who has authority, who stewards what she has well, and who seeks to grow what she owns. The process of creating, selling, and earning unleashes opportunities where you can have impact.

Women in business matter. You matter.

I can’t wait to see a world where more of God’s kingdom is seen on earth because of a movement of brave, unstoppable, visionary women who make an impact through their businesses!

I design websites to give women entrepreneurs a tool to grow their businesses and unleash the impact they are capable of.

If you’re ready to unleash your impact, let’s connect. I can’t wait to chat with you!

Elizabeth J. Daniels

As a website designer in Dayton, OH, I collaborate with clients nationwide to design custom-crafted, SEO optimized & responsive Squarespace websites for small business owners, solo practitioners & boutique law firms, and mental health professionals. I help bring your business online with a website that is both visually appealing and optimized to deliver results for your business.

Blueprint for a Successful Website