Questions to Inspire Website Homepage Copy

Website Copy tips for coaches, counselors, & small business owners.

UPDATED 6/18/2024

Are you creating your website (or giving your current one a fresh new look), and need help crafting website copy that really speaks to your ideal client?

I’d love to help inspire you with the same questions and tips that I use with my own website and my clients! In this blog, I’ll focus on the questions and tips that will inspire your homepage website copy.

(Sneak peak ☺️)

What is the overall goal of your homepage?

Your ideal client should hear this message:

You’re in the right place. I provide the services that you need, and I can help you.”

Your homepage, also sometimes called your landing page, is the first thing your ideal clients and potential customers will see when they visit your website. It’s your digital storefront which says “Hello!”; so you’ll want it to capture attention and drive action by letting your potential client know they’re in the right place.

I’ll take you through 7 questions and tips that will help you speak directly to your target audience, resonate with their needs, and motivate them to take the desired action.


If you’d like a guide to help you flush out what I describe below even further, I’ve created a Website Copy Idea Generator Template just for entrepreneurs like you! If having a resource like this sounds wonderful to you, you can claim your FREE website copy template here!


Ready for the questions that will help you write website copy that converts?

Let’s begin with the first three. These go hand-in-hand:

1. Think about your target audience. Who are the clients that you’re offering services or products for?

 You want to make it crystal clear who you’re offering services for and write that into the first thing people see when they visit your site.

2. Jot down 2-3 sentences that describe what your business is about, incorporating your target audience that you established in #1.

3. What is the tagline for your business?

Your tagline is your one-liner catchphrase that tells your target audience what you do for them.

Front and center, those first three questions are the bread and butter of what you do!

AND, can score big when it comes to SEO!

 Within these sentences, you can define: 

  • who you are

  • what you do

  • your target audience

  • and how you can help them

They can rock your search engine optimization (SEO) when you use the types of words or phrases your ideal client would be using on Google as they search for what they’re looking for!


The next two really go along with the first two, as they’ll have helped you flesh out some of the specifics for those questions:

4. Once you’ve established those first three questions, jot down more descriptions regarding who you’re offering services for. What are some sentences that further describe your client’s need?

e.g. “Coaching for women who want ____ ” or “A church for people who are seeking ___.”

5. List out what services you offer on the homepage, and then direct visitors to your “Services” page for more detailed information on each.

This method is great for SEO when someone does a search for something specific in your area of practice, such as “physical therapist for dance injury” or “decluttering help”, etc…)


6. Introduce yourself by saying “hello” to your potential new client! This is a great time to work in the vision and mission of what you do.

Potential clients want to know about who they could be working with.

Make this a brief section as you’ll give more info about yourself on your “About” page.

This section will help both of you achieve your goals…

  • Visitors can decide if you’re the right fit for them.

  • AND, you getting to work with your ideal clients.

7. Reviews! Have a section dedicated to sharing past client testimonials of working with you.

These kind reflections help your potential clients hear how others like them have been helped by you.


 One last thought: as you write out your copy, imagine yourself talking to your ideal client to help you with the “tone of voice” you give your copy. Also, give yourself time to marinate on these questions and the answers that come to you. Allow yourself multiple sessions to write down ideas, come back to revise them a few times, and give them your polish.


Would you like encouraging inspiration for creating your homepage website copy?

I’ll help you take the guesswork out of what to say on on your website homepage!

Get my FREE Website Copy Template Idea Generator!


I hope this helps you! Leave a note with what else you think adds value on your website homepage!

Elizabeth J. Daniels

As a web designer and encourager of visionary women, I design beautifully crafted, optimized Squarespace websites for women entrepreneurs, small business owners, counselors and life-coaches. I love working with unleashed entrepreneurs to get their businesses into the online world!

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