How to Add a Blog Post to Your Squarespace Website

Squarespace Client Tutorials: Blogs

You’ve got your lovely new website and you want to try a few updates on your own (go you!). Or maybe it’s been a while since your website go-live and you want to give your website a refresh (way to be on top of it!).

I’ve got you covered!

I’ve put together simple, step-by-step guides to help you make the updates you’d like done to your Squarespace website!

Grab a cup of your favorite beverage, have your site up and ready in “edit” mode, and relax. You’re going to do great!

P.S. If you need help with any of this and you’re a previous client, you know how to find me! Always happy to help. If I haven’t had the pleasure of working with you yet, reach out here and let me know how I can help with your Squarespace website; I’d be happy to assist!

This guide is all about how to add a blog post to your Squarespace website.


How to add a blog post to your Squarespace website

How to Update Blog Post Settings, including SEO settings, in Squarespace


Alright, let’s get started! ⤵️

Simple Steps to Add a New Blog Post to Squarespace:

  1. Login to your Squarespace account and select which website is getting updated or new text.

  2. Select Pages on your left-hand side navigation bar:

How to access pages within your Squarespace website


3. Select Blog:

Select Blog to be taken to the blog page of your website

4. Click the plus icon to generate a new blog:

5. Squarespace will bring up a new empty blog post for you to begin writing in. Enter blog information and format to your liking. Video below give you an example:

  • TIP for Squarespace Image Size: (yes, you should have photos on your blog! It helps to keep your reader’s attention + it can help with SEO if you’ve named your photos with SEO, photo relevant names.).

    1. Width of your photos: between 1500 - 2500 px (any smaller and they’re blurry; any bigger and you’ll have slow load speeds - not good for reader retention!)

    2. Size of your photos: maximum 500KB

6. Select “SAVE” on the upper left-hand corner of your screen, and then “EXIT” (don’t Publish just yet!).

7. Before publishing your post, you’ll want to take the following steps:

  • Click on the three dots to the right of the blog name on the left navigation bar, then select Settings.

Accessing your blog post settings in Squarespace (update these before publishing your blog!)

  • Your Blog Post Settings navigation appears on the left. You’ll want to update Content, Options, SEO, Social Image, and Share (keep reading for how to do this!).

Navigation menu for your blog post settings


Let’s go through how to update Blog Post Settings in Squarespace, including adding SEO:

  1. Update Content:

    • Featured Image: size width should be between 1500 x 2500 pixels (any smaller can be blurry). Size no bigger than 500KB.

    • Excerpt: A short, one-sentence summary of the blog post; this appears on the main blog page.

    • Post URL: update the URL to be specific to your this blog post (good for SEO); keep short and separate each word with dashes. (e.g. /blog/blogging-for-newbies)


2. Update Options:

  • Status: Publish when you’re finished updating your Blog Post Settings.

  • Tags: Include blog tags here. If you’re adding more than one, select enter (on keyboard) after each one.

  • Categories: Use this if you want to organize content by subject or type (e.g. A recipe blog could have Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner as categories)

  • Comments: Click toggle bar on if you want a comments section for this post (allows comments for just this particular blog post).

  • Featured Post: Click toggle on if you want this post to bump to the top of your blog post section


3. Update SEO settings:

How to add SEO in your Squarespace blogpost settings

  • SEO Title: (highly recommend doing) Add a title that it related to your post that you feel your ideal readers would be searching for on a google search (I usually use what my current title is).

How to update your SEO Blog Post Setting in Squarespace


4. Update Social Image:

  • Should be 1200 x 630 pixels

5. Update Share:

  • If you use Squarespace’s Email Campaigns for email marketing, you can Create Email Draft to begin making your next email.

  • You can also share it via your Social Media (I personally don’t use this option because I like to personalize my social posts more).

Once you’re happy with how your blog post reads and you’ve updated your blogpost settings, go ahead and publish it!

Well-done, friend! Pat yourself on the back -

…you just added a new blog post to your Squarespace website AND updated your blog post settings!

Here are other guides you might find helpful:

Be on the lookout for more guides being released soon! Here’s a sneak peek at what’s to come:

  • How to add or update videos on your Squarespace website.

  • How to start your blog using Squarespace.

  • How to use boost your blog SEO on Squarespace.


If you’d like help updating your Squarespace website, or you’re at your wit’s-end with trying to build and design your own website, reach out! I’d love to help you get your website launched!

Elizabeth J. Daniels

As a website designer in Dayton, OH, I collaborate with clients nationwide to design custom-crafted, SEO optimized & responsive Squarespace websites for small business owners, solo practitioners & boutique law firms, and mental health professionals. I help bring your business online with a website that is both visually appealing and optimized to deliver results for your business.

How to Add Videos to Your Squarespace Website


How to Add or Change Text on Your Squarespace Website